
How a Clever Domain Name Helps You

It may not be obvious but having the right domain name can help you. Domain names guide both your customers and search engines towards your website. This brings in important traffic and possible sales, improving the success of your business. The right name will set you apart from the crowd which is why it is important to spend time on this.

At Get Your Mobi Ltd we work with you to develop domain names and responsive websites, improving your search results and gaining customers.

Why Are Domain Names Important?

Design is an important aspect of creating a website, but so is the domain name. With approximately 332.4 million domain name registrations, it can sometimes be hard to get the right one. Domain names are believed to have grown by 3.1 million year by year. Getting the right name for your domain is becoming more important in order to improve traffic towards your business. The right domain reinforces your business’ brand, promotes business, establishes credibility and authority, and helps people to find your business.

As a small business, building credibility is crucial to success. Having a domain name which develops your brand identity and improves customer trust helps you in the long run. Improved sales and more customers is what we all want, so investing time into a domain name is worthwhile.

Creating a Domain Name

It’s no secret that Google rewards companies who use exact match domains. Using principles of this to create your domain can be a good idea. Exact match domains are names that match search queries. These can often be keywords or business names associated with yourselves, and this can be a good place to start.

Denis Pinksey writing for Forbes suggests 7 key elements to domain names:

  • Being recognisable as a brand to represent the company on a digital platform
  • Having a name that is easy to pronounce
  • Using a short name that is easy to type into the search bar
  • Ensure that you use a valued and trusted TLD (.com, .co.uk, .org etc)
  • Don’t copy other URLs or infringe on copyright or intellectual property
  • Use natural keywords that would appear in searches
  • Make sure you take your time

Memorable and strong domain names reinforce your brand, so it is worth checking how your name sounds with friends or family.

What to Avoid

There are a few things you should avoid when creating a domain name. Try and avoid putting slang or mixing numbers and words within the domain if you can. Using hyphens, abbreviations, and words that are spelled the same but have different meanings can confuse both the customer and search engines.

Some things to avoid when it comes to domain names include:

  • Long
  • Bland
  • Hard to type
  • Close to somebody else’s
  • Too trendy

Branding and Domain Names

One of the largest benefits of having the right domain name is the branding it can give you. Having consistent branding across your website helps to generate credibility in your services or products. A good domain name should be durable and create an advantage for your business. Successful branding comes from consistency in a business and using a domain name that matches the company effectively.

Branding is not only achieved with a logo, coherent website, and social media campaigns. Website domains help to bring your business into the forefront. Getting this part of the website design right is important to ensure that your business works hard against competition.

Domains and Get Your Mobi Ltd

At Get Your Mobi Ltd we are experts in website design and optimisation. If you would like advice or guidance on how to generate the best domain name possible, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us.

You can call our team today on 01524 63087 or fill in our online contact form.